Azam's one week BCT diary

MCA – please wake up to what the rakyat is demanding

I have family members, relatives and good friends who are MCA members. I always despised politics, especially the Barisan Nasional politics, but I had reserved a soft spot in my heart for MCA, even volunteered to help out in the 1999 election. But whatever feelings I had for MCA has all but gone now.

I never thought much about politics, but I had been able to close an eye on it. I was annoyed by the ultra-radical rhetoric of UMNO youth, the keris waving etc, but I never quite believed in it. For me it was only a song and dance for some silly people to move up the rank in a crazy game called politics. I see that the politicians, the warlords and the Chinese tycoons and Ali Baba’s are so dependent on each other in minting their money and robbing the country that nobody really wants to rock the boat too much.

But the recent antics of some MCA leaders has got me fuming mad. I am referring to the PAS/Islam bashing announcements, calling DAP the traitor of the Chinese for going to bed with PAS etc. I don’t think many Chinese would take statements like these seriously, as everybody can see that the Chinese was never so well represented in the new government. But our Malay brothers and sisters are in a much more precarious situation. The welfare of the ordinary Malay – in fact any ordinary nobody regardless of race – was never really looked after by BN, and now all of a sudden they are faced with a new government with even less Malay representations.

I am not sure whether MCA is so dumb to not see this, or whether it is just a bunch of bankrupt politicians looking for cheap publicities. But statements like these that incite religious and racial tensions are downright irresponsible and dangerous in the current delicate situation. I consider these to be infinitely more sinister and dangerous than UMNO’s keris waving antics.

MCA – please wake up. The rakyat have spoken loud and clear in GE 12 that we don’t want race politics anymore. DAP and PAS, and indeed the whole Pakatan Rakyat has demonstrated their willingness to listen to the rakyat and made tremendous progress in finding a middle ground where all race and religions can cooperate and live in harmony. Please work with the rakyat to build a better tomorrow for all.

I see that the politicians, the warlords and the Chinese tycoons and Ali Baba’s are so dependent on each other in minting their money and robbing the country that nobody really wants to rock the boat too much.

As you can see in this statement writer is using simile by leveling the politicians as warlords.Are they any warlord in Malaysia of course not but the warlord characted can be describe as evil and mean and the writer try to relate it with politicians who are corrupt and robbing the country.

For me it was only a song and dance for some silly people to move up the rank in a crazy game called politics

In this statement the writer uses metaphor , He said it was only a song and dance for some silly people to move up the rank in a crazy
game called politics
, Is there any real song or dance that has been occured. The answer is no. The song and dance only describe the corrupt politic game so the writer us this metaphor to explain it more clearly.

The writed said these politicians are robbing the country however the writer did not give any premises to support the arguement. The Writer did explain to us how these parties neglect and not responsible for the races they were represented.However there are no premises that support these politician rob the country.

But the recent antics of some MCA leaders has got me fuming mad. I am referring to the PAS/Islam bashing announcements, calling DAP the traitor of the Chinese for going to bed with PAS etc

In this statement the writer uses simile by comparing going to bed equivalent to a corporation bewteen two sides.

Is the arguement has a good premises by shooting DAP as a traitor when they corporate with pas.This can be said as Ad hominem , The staement attack directly to a person or entity without good premises and supporting arguement. The argument should explain why by corporating with PAS DAP is betraying the Chinese community . No good premisess has been given so this statement can be said as Ad hominem fallacy.

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